Update on new sleep training options


As some of you may remember from pre-pandemic times, I was starting to offer sleep training in group classes. These ended up being a lot of fun to do, as people shared their difficulties and successes and motivated each other. The intention had been to offer group courses regularly so that we can teach ways to sleep well and quiet the mind for sleep, but then the pandemic hit and getting everyone together in a small space was no longer possible.

The good news is that the pandemic has fast-forwarded options for putting everything online, which is exciting! My hope is to have a mixture of self-paced and live access.

At this point, we are well underway with transferring and translating our one-on-one material and previous in-person courses to an online, self-paced format! I've been testing out various platforms for courses and apps. We've chosen a version which will allow for a free self-assessment mini-course, which can help everyone interested in services screen themselves to decide which path to follow for getting help with sleep improvement. I’ll be opening up the free self-assessment available in the upcoming weeks, so be sure to have yourself tagged as wanting to hear more about our sleep services: sign up below for our newsletter and indicated sleep services. This will also allow you to take a peek at the main points and worksheet we’ll work through in the assessment when I send that out next month.

You can read more about our services.

Happy sleeping!

Alissa S. Yamasaki, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist